In Stillness (life sized) ‐ Bronze ‐ 8" x 19" x 14"

Request Information

I think "In Stillness" speaks for itself. The quiet still fawn, waiting for mother to return with the patience and stillness of a stone.

I think the only thing to add is I designed this with an outdoor placement. A garden, yard, or flower bed was what I had in mind. The patina may seem a bit strong. This was intentional. While inside under man made lighting without context it seems a bit over done- it becomes quite a bit more nuanced once outside, and especially with sun dappling through tree leaves of surrounding foliage.

Yes- It already has mounting nuts welded in place inside if an extremely permanent placement is desired. Yet it weighs only 33lbs if it is in a secure area and the collector wishes to move it around to different locations.

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