Timothy Nimmo: BLACK BUCK (6/25) BRONZE (43" x 12" x 12" (base))

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BLACK BUCK (#6/25) BRONZE by Colorado Springs artist Timothy Nimmo. Blackbuck Bust II was commissioned in 2015. It is a mirror image of the original Blackbuck Bust. The blackbuck is a species of Indian antelope know for their elaborate horns and stark panda like black and white coloration. I found them to be a very compelling compositional study. I repeated the cork screw shape of the horns in the posture of the neck and head. Timothy Nimmo is a sculptor of animal spirits in bronze- "My sculptures are a synthesis between my love of nature and my respect of the great artists who have come before/ The shortest description of my work – animal spirits in transition".-- Timothy Nimmo

This one is shown on a shorter base of 15" high in a black marble. It is available on either this or a taller 4' obelisque.
Edition of 25.  

Dimentions: 43" x 12"... Base: 12"

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