Ancient Kauri Table - 46" l x 39"w x 17" h - Robert Teisberg

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Reclaimed  - Ancient Kauri Wood - 

Preserved Underground for thousands of years.


Ancient Kauri is a conifer endemic to the North Island of New Zealand. Preserved in bogs for thousands of years, its size is comparable to Coastal Redwoods and Giant Sequoias. While Kauri species still grow today, only fallen Ancient Kauri trees are removed from prehistoric bogs and used.


The base of the table is as unique as the wood itself. The compositely engineered wood and carbon fiber base is a sculpted design that offers the two book-matched pieces of polished Ancient Kauri to the viewer. The unique grain of this particular piece of wood creates waves that make the surface of the table appear three-dimensional. The wave effect is exceptionally rare in Ancient Kauri and is not found in any other species of wood


Robert Teisberg’s has created this exceptionally rare and unique $100,000 table made from 50,000-year old Ancient Kauri wood – the oldest workable wood in the world. The 42-by-94 inch Kahiko (Ancient One) table is one of the most unique and expensive tables ever created.

“This table is created from one of the rarest pieces of wood I’ve ever seen.” said Teisberg, who has been creating Ancient Kauri pieces for more than a decade as the sole U.S. distributor of the ancient wood. “The price of the table reflects the unparalleled collector quality of the piece.” 


“It's not often you get to see a 50,000 year old tree being extracted from the earth. Much less one of such beauty and proportion! Thousand of years ago this bowl-shaped area began to fill with water loosening the root structure of our ancient kauri. This tree eventually toppled down into the peat-filled bog which had been created below, cutting it off from oxygen, and stopping its aging process dead (no pun intended) in its tracks. 50,000 years later we have the machinery and necessary techniques to properly extract this amazing wood. As you can see in this photo it is no easy task!   It's truly a privilege to be able to own and work with such a piece of history. - Robert Teisberg”

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