Sandy Hokanson: A LIGHT TO FOLLOW... BALD EAGLE-- (12 x 12- Framed Print)

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A LIGHT TO FOLLOW-- BALD EAGLE- 12" x 12"- Framed Print by Sandy Hokanson.  "Eagles symbolize so much - our nation, strength, pride and freedom. Who isn't awestruck when they see an adult Bald eagle soaring overhead?  But they're also a bird that we drove to the brink of extinction through our use of pesticides. Fortunately, we were able to save them ... but so many other birds (those that aren't so visible or regal looking) are also threatened by our lack of foresight and care for the environment.---I deliberately illustrated this eagle at night. It's dark and the pines can look a little scary (like how the world feels at times). But the moon is rising and it's light is like a beacon to follow toward morning... and hopefully a better day for all creation.-- Sandy Hokanson- July 2023

Sandy: "For many years I painted in a realistic style using acrylics or watercolors.  Now I prefer the challenge of focusing less on every feather and more on creating a clean design of each bird." "Some of my finished works are created by making detailed drawing using permanent inks which are then scanned into my computer. Others are hand drawn directly into the computer using either a mouse or a special pen and pad.  Next I'll create a unique palette of colors to layer over the drawings.  Each color is a separate layer - which means some pieces can have up to 25 layers or more. The end result is a crisp, graphic illustration." 


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