Steve Anderson: ICICLE BALLS- Ornaments

Request Information

Handcrafted blown- glass ICICLE BALLS-Ornaments done by Mayo Clinic's very own Scientifc Glassblower, Steve Anderson. They are handblown in many colors including Green, Red, Blue, Purple, and yellow-amber. Some of the balls are smaller in diameter. As well as some"trial colors" added in some shipments.

Please Specify Color you are inquiring about when contacting gallery or ask aboout any others we may have!

"How it does work, Steve tells us, is through a detailed and meticulous process helped along by a wide variety of tools of the scientific glassblowing trade, including 4- to 5-foot lengths of tubing, a gas oxygen torch, a drill press, belt sander, and wet saw"

Dimentions: 8" x (2.5"-3") range of diameters

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